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New Box Integration Adds IRM Document Protection to Box Folders and Files
added: 03.21.2016, by HoGo Team
HoGo, the innovative leader in online information rights management (IRM) and document protection, announced today the availability of new applications for Box that allow Box users to protect and track their PDF and Microsoft Office files even after they have been downloaded from Box. The apps are available now in the Box Application Marketplace.
While services like Box provide excellent online collaboration and file sharing capabilities, there is no control over what happens to a file after it has been downloaded from Box. By adding the HoGo Sender and HoGo Encoder applications from Box’s Application Marketplace, Box users can now add encryption and tracking to downloaded files to prevent leaks and unauthorized access.
The HoGo Sender application allows Box users to select folders and files in their Box account and protect and distribute them to any recipients including non-Box users. Protected files are encrypted and are tracked using HoGo’s IRM technology so that only those authorized by the sender can access the file. Since the protection remains in place after the file has been downloaded, it cannot be re-shared or leaked. Users can track who has downloaded and opened their files by logging into their HoGo account. Users can also revoke access to files remotely.
The HoGo Encoder application encodes selected folders and files in Box. The app’s sync feature will automatically encode new files that are added to a protected folder. Changes to a folder’s collaborators will also be automatically synced so that new collaborators will have access to protected files while removed collaborators will lose their ability to open protected files. In this way, Box users and their collaborators can collaborate securely without having to be aware of the IRM protection.
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