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HoGo CEO Hiro Kataoka to Appear on Privacy Piracy Radio
added: 12.17.2013, by Mike Spinney
Manchester, NH – December 17, 2013 – On December 23, 2013, Hiro Kataoka, founder and CEO of cloud-based document distribution and protection service HoGo, will appear on Privacy Piracy Radio, hosted by author and attorney Mari Frank, Esq., on KUCI 88.9FM broadcasting out of Irvine, Calif. The interview will also be archived at
Started by Ms. Frank in 2005, Privacy Piracy Radio features interviews with leading figures in personal privacy, information security, and other topics related to data protection. On December 23, Frank and Kataoka will talk about document security, why people need to be careful about what they share online, and the need for a simple means of protecting sensitive documents that led to the founding of HoGo.
About HoGo, Inc.
HoGo, Inc. was founded in 2012 to provide innovative solutions for online content security and distribution. The Company is headquartered in Manchester NH.
About Mari Frank, Esq.
Mari Frank, attorney and privacy consultant, is creator of the Identity Theft Survival Kit, From Victim to Victor: A Step by Step Guide for Ending the Nightmare of Identity Theft, and Safeguard Your Identity: Protect Yourself With a Personal Privacy Audit. She is also co-author of Privacy Piracy as well as co-host of the radio show of the same name.
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